Saturday, August 13, 2005

SHIT CITY - You know the one with SINS

We have all played Sim City I guess... You never saw the Sims themselves (beside their 2 extra installments that in my opinion are SHIT too), only the houses, cars and sometimes news reports on high violence and stuff.

Well there's STINK CITY now, a horribly artsy pansy movie-comic adaption in the tradition of recent 'highlights' like Elektra (which of course was bullshit as well).

Sin City (see I could
already bring myself to mention its real name in the third paragraph) is the CRAP I have seen a day ago. Oh my god is it bad. Yeah there's violence, a good deal of hinted and real nuditity, however it's still lame.

First its in black and white (artsy), plus the 'story' sucks: There's the unbribable cop (Bruce-boy) who hunts down the DON's son who rapes little girls and kills them (and gets away with it 'cause of his mighty dad, who bought the whole fucking town [not a wise investment if you ask me...]). However he (the 'perv' not the cop) is a little impotent and 'can only get it up, when they (the little girls) scream'. Great idea for a story... Well the cop is almost killed first by his heart dissorder then by bullets from some bribed cop, after first shooting the pervert.

Then there's the Barbarian (A bit like Crawler actually) who has sex with a whore who is dead next morning. Instead of looking if he crushed her accidently, he immediatly 'knows' she has been murdered by a hobbit (Yeah Frodo's a manical girl killer [yup there's 2 in the movie] and EATER in this one). So Mr.Conan declares war on the city, kills everyone who doesn't answer his questions plus those that do, finally finds the killer and his protector (a bishop). Then he shows the padre his favourite boy's head (again the hobbit) and kills him as well before being caught by the police and fried on one of these high-voltage chairs.

Next there's the Doc from 'Closer' who kills for money, yet loves a city amazon who he can't be together with (properly - fucking seems to work though). Well his new flame (not the amazon but some hairdresser...) is bullied by her old boyfriend, who later goes to the Amazon part of town (oh you know whores WITH GUNS) and is promptly killed. Well turns out he was a cop. Since there was a truce between amazons and the police this means war, if any info leaks. Well it leaks to be short and there's a lot of action to try and conceal it (mostly concerning an interesting trip with the talking corpse of the cop and the 'Closer'-Doc - did I mention the Katana Amazon [Kill Bill anyone?] had choped up the cops buddies so they would fit into the car's trunk?) with all cops that rushed to the scene being shot in the end.

Zoom back to Bruce-Boy still alive in hospital - who is now imprisoned by the Don-bribed police for eight years (well actually this is eight years ago from the barbarians and 'Closer'-doc story - he's arrested for girl raping...). The girl he saved writes him letters every week for eight years (So then, now is the same now as the Barbarian's 'now' - oh, because of the letters he sort of falls in love with the kid, though never seeing her again until the new 'now', which again is the barbarians now - figure it out >;o) ). When he gets out of prison she (the girl who's 19teen now - oh its Invisible Girl from Fanta 4 by the way), who's now a lap-dancer falls in love with him and he gives IT to her, then a creep shows up (not the hobbit but a yellow goblin (really depicted in yellow, since for even more artsy-ness, they put in colours on certain people...) who is the kid-fucker from the beginning after multiple operations trying to save his life since Brucy-Boy shot him 8 years previously - Well he kidnaps the girl,

Bruce (now in angry mode - facial expression stays the same due to 3-weather-Hairspray) finds them brings an end to creep, kisses girl goodbye and then brings an end to himself, though apparently his heart has stopped anyways. This luckily brings the fucking ton of shit people like to call movie (or comic adaption) to an END, before my heart actually stopped (was close though *evilgrin*)


Thank you! I know, I watched it, but I didn't have my warning beforehand - YOU do >;o)

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At 8/14/2005 11:24 pm, Blogger Han said...

Hey Staroc ;-)
I just linked you! Thx for the delightful movie review. I was LMAO. Actually I thought bout watching that thing but now I ain't gonna anymore. I bet the b/w sux big time. I need color in my life.
So long


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