Thursday, September 01, 2005

Daydreaming & Titanic...

Yesterday we were flying around in Bagdad or whatever city they depict in Battlefield 2. Sarge announced she had to go the the toilet shorty and would be back immediatly. Crawler was flying steady and well as always, but seemed caught in a sort of daydream. He always gets those when he is really excited... and he was quite excited because of a new feature...

His distractedness was immediatly used by some Arabs to send a little present our way, which coincidently just missed us and exploded when Sergeant Vanessa left the restroom.

The shockwave however did hit us, making Vanni trip and fall into her own bowl of excrements. This made her even more angry than usual when she hasted to get to the machinegun to pay those bastards back. Ace Crawler however was still dreaming, while I private Staroc was as 'high' as ever only fearing for MY life at the hands of a daydreaming pilot or should I say 'captain'?!?

I did jump AND this time my parachute button worked, I closed my eyes shortly for a quivk prayer but when I opened them, I somehow found myself in 1912 on April 14th...

Then a pterodactyl flew by, caught me with it's mighty beak, chewed me to a violent and minced death leaving me to get reborn into the conflict I knew. I spawned in the same helicopter from before that Crawler had just now managed to fly into a tower, making it explode. I awoke with a slight headache and desperate for some ice...again teaching us to be careful with what we wish >;o)

Since it is 25-30°C over here in Germany at the moment I am myself longing for some ice-cream right now, so good bye till Sunday or Monday everybody, since I won't have time to write up anything with all the wedding party (sheduled for Saturday evening) preperations for the next two days. C U around next week >;o) STAROC



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