Nintendogs goes Everquest...
Have you heard the news? Digital Pets sell well... Not really news in my opinion, since this is something I knew since that Tamagotchi wave during my childhood swamped over the world. Well however if you remember Sarge Starlight from my BF2 Squad that you have already seen in some of my short comics on this blog is also (strangely?!?) an Everquest 2 fan.
Well Crawler and I had this conversation about giving Starlight something nice for birthday, like a dog. We were laughing a lot about that, since Starlight will be turning 29 (almost 30) without a girl at his side and showing the first signs of age... (Like part of his digestive tract, deciding to leak explosively... yeah you get the picture). So we thought about getting him a hat, a stick and a dog, a dachshund. I suggested naming it 'Purzel' since that was what my grandfather (god bless his soul) called his dachshund.
We started laughing even harder when we thought that there should be a plaque or digital code-card of some kind coming with the pet, allowing Starlight to take Purzel the dog with him into the game Everquest 2 he so loves to play. Now that is SOME strong marketing argument, don't you think? Your true companion for hunting in real and digital life! A man's second best friend. A reason to live. OK, I'll stop it alright! Here is however the graphical result of our conversation depicted in a scene that vividly haunted our minds. Please imagine Starlight speaking with a scottish or a strong german (Cologne-Area) accent:
Well Starlight, since I know you read this blog aswell...I'll be out of country for a while *grin* AND I hope this doesn't spoil your birthday surprise for next year... >;o) Staroc out!